DECEMBER 4, 1965 – JANUARY 13, 2024
By Miguel Padilla. PUBLISHED: February 25, 2023 at 2p.m. | UPDATED: February 25, 2023 at 2:20p.m.

(pictured above, the library viewing room perspective by guests upon seating. A projector screen displays the beaming image of the late Professor Joel Lamore, with epitaph. Photo by Edward Shea.)
In remembrance of Professor Joel Dominic Lamore’s impact and life, a ceremony was held in the Library Viewing Room on Tuesday, Feb. 13th. Those in attendance ranged from retired professors, to students who had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Lamore during his valued tenure at Valley. Upon entering the library viewing room, attendees were greeted by an image of the late Professor Lamore projected over lights, with magazines of the student-run literary group, Phineas, resting on a table.
The Dean of the Arts & Humanities Division, Leticia Hector, would begin the ceremony by sharing a few heartfelt words, with Professor Davena Burns-Peter taking the podium shortly thereafter. She would go on to recount her personal experiences with Joel Lamore. She spoke of a man willing to contribute in every sense of the word. Of a man who would purposefully choose to work in hard-hitting committees, those which demanded hours upon hours of personal investment. To everyone that knew him, Joel was a researched and well-represented man, the kind who poured every bit of passion and heart into his actions. As a member of the on-campus Faculty Senate, Chair of the Honors Program, and Faculty sponsor for both Writers’ Block and Phineas magazine, she made it clear that the late professor took his role as educator and mentor seriously.
Daihim Fozouni, fellow English Department Instructor and long-time friend of Professor Lamore’s, took to the podium afterwards, adding his own thoughtful words and light hearted brevity to the conversation. In his words, Joel Lamore was a “perfectly rational man,” but more so, a man who worked hard. He committed his entire being into helping his students and those around him. Fozouni would go on to recount a treasured memory of his, where on the morning he was meant to chaperone a student trip to UCLA, Lamore had taken the initiative to arrive hours before the departing time of the trip. He planned to assist any students with transportation needs, showing just how committed he was to helping his fellow students. Fozouni ended his speech with impassioned words, and a reminder to all that Lamore would be dearly missed and remembered by many for years to come.
Diane Hunter and Micheal Slusser, longtime friends and current English department instructors at SBVC, would take to the podium after, sharing personal memories they had with Lamore with the crowd. Among the many respects given, they saw him as a man who created community through his actions. Someone who carried a driving force of precision through his passion for poetry and English. Slusser saw Lamore's poetry as an attempt to capture life’s beauty, and in that natural inclination, exemplified a man who radiated so much. Other traits that Lamore carried with him, such as that of being a fast walker, or being the type of person who would have spurned the sort of commemoratory event being held that day, also shed light on how multi-faceted, and interesting of an individual he was.
Others who spoke at the event included: English Department Professors Mary Copeland, Yvette Lee, Writer’s Block students Ivan, Gabriella, Camellia, Maricella, along with previous alumni Andrea Teodorio and Martin Cassio.
The event concluded with a presentation made by the English Dept. Professor Edward Shea, with images of Professor Lamore accompanied by his personal works read aloud in slideshow format. Small sheets of paper were passed to the audience, giving those in attendance the opportunity to write their final well-wishes to the late professor. The sheets were to be posted upon the entrance of Professor Lamore’s office on the second floor of the Liberal Arts building. His wife, Kimberley, also made her appearance at the ceremony, reciting several of her husband's poems aloud, including “The Hourglass” and “My First Thousand Years.” She was also awarded a plaque on behalf the school to commemorate her husband’s life and tenure here on campus.

(pictured above, the door to Professor Lamore's office, with colorful sheets of paper, a poster board, and flowers placed around it. Photo by Edward Shea.)
It was clear to see by the event just how profound Joel Lamore's impact was on campus. The outpouring of love and emotion during the ceremony served as a poignant reminder of what an exceptional individual, spouse, and friend he was to those who had the privilege of knowing him.
For those interested in donating, a Scholarship fund has been set up in his name, you can support by going to