By Nathanael Hernandez
While the holidays may be for some a time to gather with family, or a time to celebrate the birth of Christ, or a time to give. It is important to recognize the lies we have been taught or misconceptions we have about holidays which many celebrate.
Christmas- Is it really the birth of Christ?
Christmas is often believed to be the Birth of Jesus Christ. Though it may be hard to believe as one may be grown to believe that belief, nowhere in the Bible or history suggests that Jesus himself was born on December 25th. No historian or even Clement of Alexandria who was a theologian that lived during the 2nd and 3rd century mentions the Birth of Christ being the 25th of December. It isn’t mentioned to celebrate Jesus Christ's birthday until Constantine. Constantine would bring in pagan beliefs into Christianity and played a role in the separation between Jews and Christians. The birth of Christ seems to have taken place during the festival Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles. So around October was when Jesus was born due to the fact that King Heord would have used the census during Sukkot not December due to it being cold. Also, Jesus was conceived 6 months after John the Baptist according to Luke 1:24-27,36. John was born around april which is around passover, then if we would add 6 months we would get October which is the time Jesus would be born. Though the exact date is unknown.

Hanukkah- Is it really all about Lights?
While one may look at a menorah and think it is about lights. It is about the miracle and sign that God was with the Jews after they were persecuted by Antiochus IV Epiphanes. The Maccaebeans who were a group led by Matthias. They would overthrow the Persians and win back the Holy Temple which belonged to them. The Jews would always light the menorah though this menorah is seven branches rather than the eight you see in Hanukkah. This takes place during the intertestamental period which lasted 400 years where there were no prophets. It was one of the roughest times Jews had to go through. The Maccebes only had oil for one night yet the Menorah would be lit for 8 nights. The branches of the menorah during Hanukkah represent the days the light would go on. Each day a new candle would be lit to commemorate the nights as they pass. Hanukkah also known as the Feast of Dedication is briefly mentioned in the book of John and the events described in the book of Maccabees which is not included in the protestant Bible. Though another important message that Hanukkah is also really about is being faithful to God. During the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes would kill those who didn’t worship Zeus and those who observed the Torah. Antiochus IV would build a gymnasium next to the Holy Temple and society was filled with nude exercises, money, sensual arts, prosperity. In which many Jews would conform like the society reversing their circumcisions. Circumcisions representing a connection with God. Ultimately revealing those who didn’t conform and those who did.

Kwanzaa- Is it about Hanukkah?
Kwanzaa through Jewish lens may be thought to have something to do with Judaism due to the light having seven branches just like a menorah. Though it is different from what one may believe. It is rather a seven day non-religious festival which was created by Maulana Karenga. The holiday is meant to honor African-American ancestral roots. Unlike Hanukkah which may change its dates due to a different calendar it starts on December 26 and lasts until January 1st. Each branch representing either “ unity (umoja), self-determination (kujichagulia), collective responsibility (ujima), cooperative economics (ujamaa), purpose (nia), creativity (kuumba), and faith (imani).” according to Britannica. The colors of the candles represent the seven principles. Which in a way is similar to a seven branch menorah since they represent the 12 tribes of Israel. Also representing the seven messianic communities during the Apostle John’s time if you read the book of Revelations. Though in Kwanzaa the families come together to light a candle in the candleholder and discuss the principles of the day. While in Hanukkah it is uniting to discuss the principles of God. So at the end of the day while it may seem similar to Hanukkah it is more about culture rather than a religious one.